Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Blog #12

Exciting news! We are finally starting to see some growth in our corn plants. Incidentally, the containers with no fertilizer have grown the most. The ones with 1/2 fertilizer have grown some, and the containers with the most fertilizer haven't at all. We were surprised to find this as we anticipated that the fertilizer would positively influence the plants' growth. However, Mr. Calos pointed out that the germination process is different than the actual growing process so perhaps that is why we haven't seen more growth from the plants with more fertilizer. So far, our daily activities have included watering the plants, checking to see any differences, and recording those that we do see on our shared google doc. We have also been taking pictures of the plants to track progress. Here is a picture of the plant with the most progress and most fertilizer. This one is what we presume to be a non-albino plant.

1 comment:

  1. Great post! Good to include expectations of experimental results.
